Genichiro Tenryu Hospitalised

AJPW legend Genichiro Tenryu hospitalised

Matt jeff hardy

Sep 2, 2022

Tenryu vs. Flair.jpeg

Japanese wrestling legend Genichiro Tenryu has been hospitalised due to a cervical cord injury.

The 72 year-old All Japan Pro Wrestling icon retired in 2015, and a statement from Tenryu Project representative Monna Shimada said the following about his condition:

"He has certain disabilities, but they are limited to the use of a cane, which you have seen since his retirement, and the use of a wheelchair when he is not feeling well, and the aforementioned risks have occurred. Please rest assured that your life is not in immediate danger. He is working on his rehabilitation and treatment, and is doing very well and staying positive.”

Earlier reports suggested Tenryu faced a ‘very high risk of sudden death’, but NJPW commentator Chris Charlton provided some clarity, saying Tenryu faced such a situation had he not been hospitalised.

A former Triple Crown and IWGP Heavyweight Champion, Tenryu was one of AJPW founder Giant Baba’s greatest students. After falling out with Baba and leaving All Japan in the early 90s, Tenryu formed SWS and later WAR, and wrestled at several WWF events, including WrestleMania 7 alongside Koji Kitao.

H/T: Puroresu Today


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