Arn Anderson Forms New Faction On AEW Dark
A new faction in AEW, led by Arn Anderson
Jan 4, 2023
A new faction has been formed in All Elite Wrestling by Arn Anderson.
The Enforcer has been featured on AEW programming managing his son Brock Anderson since Cody Rhodes' departure in February of 2022 but Arn is set to receive a bigger role on TV in the coming months.
Appearing in a backstage segment on the January 3 edition of Dark, the Andersons and Brian Pillman Jr. noted they have been frustrated with their careers before Flyin' Brian mentioned his mother told him to seek out Arn if he wanted someone to guide him in professional wrestling. Pillman then told Anderson he was seeking his help and Arn took Pillman under his wing before he signed off by admitting Brian and Brock's recent records in AEW made him want to puke.
Brock Anderson and Brian Pillman Jr. have teamed together on the independents and in multi-man matches in AEW over the past year. Arn Anderson and Pillman's father Brian Pillman were members of The Four Horsemen and they teamed together in 1995.
Arn Anderson owns the trademark for The Four Horsemen and he recently admitted he would include Pillman Jr. and Tessa Blanchard in a new incarnation of the stable.
What Pillman's alliance with the Andersons means for his Varsity Blonds tag team with Griff Garrison is unknown. Garrison is currently out of action, having recently undergone surgery.